my bones are breaking these times are changing i wanna die
10:04 p.m. - 2003-08-12

I have come to the realization everything changes wether you want it to or not, it just happens. You cant stop it or make the change any less painful you just have to endure the pain and let it take its corse. It sucks though, realizing things after the fact. Like with Frank I have realized he didnt care...words arent enough he should have showed it with actions other then making out with me everytime i saw him. I wore his fleece today and am in depressed mode tonight. I just want to wallow in ice cream and good conversastion with Amanda. Me and her are going out tonight for a lil bit and its a well needed hangout session.

I really miss talking to Dan but thats another entry in its self. I will be seeing Paul tomorrow at work..only God knows what will happen. But im upset and i should go....

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My Obsession
My Rants
My Fanlistings

The Girl

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I believe in love, in arguing, in jamming out by yourself in the car. I believe in smiling till your cheeks hurt and laughing until you cry. I believe in having someone tell you you're beautiful, dancing in the rain, and miracles. I believe in second chances, even if you've completely screwed up. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and I embrace it. I respect those who treat me right, and ignore the ones who don't. I dress the way I want to, and say what is on my mind... if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.


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Friends.Long drives.Coffee.Parliment Light 100's.Red lipstick.My hotpink flats.Funky hair.Piercings.Tattoo's. Html.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Users.Cheaters.Fakes. Limabeans. Politics.Spiders.

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