Happy Beggining
1:38 p.m. - 2003-01-03


This entry is alittle different from the others...im actually happy, and i usually write when im pissed at the world. Well I met him last night...funny thing was, i wasnt nervous. He has the biggest brown eyes i have ever seen. At first I was nervous about how he would heel about the way I looked...even though he told me that no matter what we would be friends...i still wasnt sure. But after a while i started to feel like this....

I didnt give a damn...he was gonna like me for me...and i cant change myself...and i wont change myself for someone. But when I got home last night i wrote him an e:mail. I old him that i knew he wasnt attracted to me...and i hope we could still be friends...he wrote back and told me not to be so negative about myself, and that im an awesome girl and no matter what were still gonna be friends. Huge weight lifted of my freaking shoulders. I mean all I want now is a great guy friend...one that im not worried if he likes me or anything like that.

Well anywho Frank is pissing me off. I only want to be friends...no matter if he is the hotest guy ever or not....i dont want to be in a relationship, date or anything...i dont want to cuddle, hold hands, or kiss. I need time to find myself. It sounds dumb i know, but still...its what i feel.

Well i need to go to work soon...im doing cartwheels of excitement as i type....Ill write again later. Oh like my new layout? im a goldmember now or something....eh...good way to blow $30...lol....


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The Girl

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I believe in love, in arguing, in jamming out by yourself in the car. I believe in smiling till your cheeks hurt and laughing until you cry. I believe in having someone tell you you're beautiful, dancing in the rain, and miracles. I believe in second chances, even if you've completely screwed up. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and I embrace it. I respect those who treat me right, and ignore the ones who don't. I dress the way I want to, and say what is on my mind... if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.


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Friends.Long drives.Coffee.Parliment Light 100's.Red lipstick.My hotpink flats.Funky hair.Piercings.Tattoo's. Html.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Users.Cheaters.Fakes. Limabeans. Politics.Spiders.

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