I LOVE Egg McMuffins....AND???
2:59 a.m. - 2003-09-14

Day five: OK now its getting harder. I feel really bad...Amanda didnt smoke infront of me. I feel awful. But the cravings are getting worse. This just sucks.

Talk about a night to fucking remember. What started out as a usual night of driving around and going to Mcky D's ended up in pure fear. Before Amanda dropped me off at my house i wanted to stop by Pathmark to pick up something. I notcie this yellow black top convertible car parked behind us in the parking lot. When we leave the store we notice he parks right next to Amanda....creepy. Then Amanda says something to the effect of.."Hey wouldnt it be weird if he followed us?" And he did...he left the parking lot after us and followed us for awhile until he lost us. Then coming back we see him going right back into the same fucking parking lot. We were both creeped the fuck out and scared. Whatta night.

Well im really tired... so im gonna head off.

Im kinda pissed at Paul...also nothing ever mentioned about my bday almost a month later....fuck it.

I cant wait to talk to Seth tomorrow....


P.S. Seth just IM'D me said hes gonna call me in a few... *sigh*

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The Girl

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I believe in love, in arguing, in jamming out by yourself in the car. I believe in smiling till your cheeks hurt and laughing until you cry. I believe in having someone tell you you're beautiful, dancing in the rain, and miracles. I believe in second chances, even if you've completely screwed up. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and I embrace it. I respect those who treat me right, and ignore the ones who don't. I dress the way I want to, and say what is on my mind... if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.


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Friends.Long drives.Coffee.Parliment Light 100's.Red lipstick.My hotpink flats.Funky hair.Piercings.Tattoo's. Html.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Users.Cheaters.Fakes. Limabeans. Politics.Spiders.

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