11:38 p.m. - 2002-06-08

Once again i am being played. He said he was gonna stop by before 11. What time is it now you ask? Almost 12 and i got nothing from him. He never showed, never called, never anything. and i sit here with so many emotions, but i jsut want to punch him so hard in the face now. I leave tomorrow and he knows this, and still...what to i get nothing! i get all ready to see him, to touch him, to hold him....but what happens? i dont see him i dont touch him and i dont hold him. i called and got no answer. what do i do? its like he does not even care about my feelings. he knows i am sitting here waiting for him, he knows how much i care. and yet i sit here talking to a total stranger over IMing who wishes me a great night and even better dreams. thanks diego....that means so much. Maybe if i stopped caring about him it would work out...hmmmmm...sure.....i feel like crying, but i cant, i feel like screaming but i cant. sigh...this will probally be one of my last entrys....i leave tomorrow....its been to all who actually read my ramblings....escp diego....

Im off,


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My Obsession
My Rants
My Fanlistings

The Girl

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I believe in love, in arguing, in jamming out by yourself in the car. I believe in smiling till your cheeks hurt and laughing until you cry. I believe in having someone tell you you're beautiful, dancing in the rain, and miracles. I believe in second chances, even if you've completely screwed up. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and I embrace it. I respect those who treat me right, and ignore the ones who don't. I dress the way I want to, and say what is on my mind... if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.


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Friends.Long drives.Coffee.Parliment Light 100's.Red lipstick.My hotpink flats.Funky hair.Piercings.Tattoo's. Html.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Users.Cheaters.Fakes. Limabeans. Politics.Spiders.

The current mood of emogrl445 at