Anit Mushy-Gushy
11:07 p.m. - 2003-08-02

I have found my new favorite thing in the world.... Haagen-Dazs Desserts Extraordinaire Cafe Mocha Frappe Ice cream. Ok now i know i shouldnt but i have COE; so lemme get fat and leamme the fuck alone.

Today I didnt do much...i worked but i dont want to talk about it.

Im tired and I do not have work tomorrow thank you Jesus

Well I am bored. Nothing really insiteful to write about tongight.

Hue wont go away-granted i hooked up with him and im sure he wants to maybe have a relationship...FUCK NO.

Relationships arent for me. I dont believe in "Love" and all that mushy-gushy bullshit. I mean look at my paretns...ENOUGH SAID.




Hey precious daddy can you hear me now.

From the lost and found although your six feet underground.

In the mirror, I can see your face just another trace of all the tragedy you passed down.

There are times when I can hear your voice, it's just like my voice

and it still haunts me when you come around.

I feel like I wasted time when I didn't have you on my mind.

I feel like I'm all alone, how could I have known you would leave me here alive.

Oh my God, how did I make it this far?

Why can't I be where your are?

My God I think I'm dying.

Precious daddy can you hold my hand like you did back then?

Can you forgive me of all my sins?

Come to me and take this pain away cause its all I see.

It would be heavenly to see you again.

I feel like I wasted time when I didn't have you on my mind.

I feel like I'm all alone.

How could I have known you would leave my side.

It all was so simple then when it all began, and I was your smile.

And now you're just words in stone, you're just dust and bones

and I'll join you there in time.

Oh my God, how did I make it this far?

Why can't I be where you are?

My God I think I'm dying.

Oh my God why can't you take it away or give me just one more day

of just apologizing.

How could you take him from me?

Its like you spit in my face.

I've got his grandson to raise, with no grandfather to say.

Don't let him end up like me cause he'll be down on his knees,

asking you where could I be.

I wonder what you would say?

I feel like I wasted time when I didn't have you on my mind.

I feel like I'm all alone.

How could I have known you would leave my side.

It all was so simple then when it all began, and I was your smile.

And now you're just words in stone, you're just dust and bones,

and I'll join you there in time.

Oh my God, how did I make it this far?

Why can't I be where you are?

Oh my God I think I'm dying.

Oh my God why can't you take it away or give me just one more day

of just apologizing.



Fuck this...

<< || >>




My Obsession
My Rants
My Fanlistings

The Girl

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I believe in love, in arguing, in jamming out by yourself in the car. I believe in smiling till your cheeks hurt and laughing until you cry. I believe in having someone tell you you're beautiful, dancing in the rain, and miracles. I believe in second chances, even if you've completely screwed up. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and I embrace it. I respect those who treat me right, and ignore the ones who don't. I dress the way I want to, and say what is on my mind... if you have a problem with that, then don't talk to me.


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Friends.Long drives.Coffee.Parliment Light 100's.Red lipstick.My hotpink flats.Funky hair.Piercings.Tattoo's. Html.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Users.Cheaters.Fakes. Limabeans. Politics.Spiders.

The current mood of emogrl445 at